Secrets to Securing Top Level Leadership Job in SEA | Kerry Consulting
    Saran Karier

    The Secrets to Securing a Top Level Leadership Job in SE Asia

    Kerry Consulting

    Our CEO, Declan O’Sullivan was recently invited by The National University of Singapore to speak about career planning and how to get a senior leadership role in South East Asia.

    According to Declan, career planning is critical in order to get the right roles and right senior leadership positions.

    Declan says career planning is about ‘trying to understand who you are and what you want to do and plan the steps to get there’. Therefore analysis is critical.

    If we compare with leadership, leaders do have somewhere to lead to, they have a direction and a vision, and so is career. So having a strategic career plan is essential to have a successful career.

    Realism is also important, it simply isn’t enough to affirm that we would like to do a certain job, if we actually haven’t done any research about it and know very little about the implications of the role.

    Attributes including, motivation, ambition, hard-work are also very important to achieve a successful career.

    What sets people with high potential apart from those who don’t really advance is also the ability to think deeply, thoroughly and think alone in order to come up with solutions.

    Watch the video:

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