Advice on the Importance of Career Planning | Kerry Consulting




    If you don’t have an updated, regularly reviewed career plan in place you should consider developing one immediately otherwise the risk of inadvertently engaging in “career drift” is high.

    Career planning, a how to guide
    The career planning process is actually very simple but it does involve a fair amount of soul searching, research and critical analysis. It’s an enormously valuable process. The steps are as follows:


    • 优势(数字、说服力、领导力、分析能力?)
    • 弱点(注重细节、人际关系、表达能力?)
    • 性格(内向、外向、领导者、追随者?)
    • 喜欢(你喜欢什么?)
    • 不喜欢(你讨厌做什么?)
    • Needs (everybody’s different – do what feels right)
    • 学历(高等教育学历等)
    • 经验(显然非常重要)



    It is most unwise to decide on where you want to go (a career goal), without first of all looking realistically at yourself. People are different. A central task when career planning is to survey yourself as a human being and then attempt (often requiring a number of iterations) to fit the “Who are you?” into the “Where do you want to go?” or “What do you want to be?”


    • 让两位天才运动员尝试决定他们的最佳学科。
    • 其中一个身高 1.6 米,体重 100 公斤,超级强壮。他或许应该考虑从事力量举重,而不是篮球。
    • 另一名运动员身高 2.2 米,体重 80 公斤。对他来说,篮球可能比举重更好。决定职业方向同样重要。找到自己的定位并乐在其中!

    This is the most challenging part of career planning. Everybody from Sun Tzu to the gospel writers has preached the message of “Know thyself”… but how do you do it? Fortunately, most large bookshops have entire sections dedicated to self-help, psychological profiling and career planning. Visit these establishments, do some browsing and buy a title or two.






    • 高等教育学历
    • 会计专业资格
    • 全方位的功能体验:
      • 管理会计
      • 预算编制
      • 法定报告
      • 税收
      • 兼并与收购
      • 财务系统


    • 会计/分析师
    • 财务经理
    • 地区财务总监

    Once the end goal has been properly defined, the route planning is relatively straight forward. Do remember though, that planning is one thing, execution quite another. To actually develop a “successful” career in virtually any field requires healthy doses of:

    • 自律
    • 坚持不懈
    • 驾驶



    The career planning process centres on identifying how your work life will help to fulfill you as a human being. We are complex beings that need very different things at different stages in our careers. To execute a career plan generally requires one to subordinate purely short term considerations to the achievement of one’s long term goals.