Find the latest salary benchmarks for Singapore and Southeast Asia in the updated Kerry Consulting Legal Salary Guide.
Agnes Yee, Executive Director, features in a Singapore Business Review article on the impact of mediation when hiring.
Agnes Yee, Executive Director, features in a CNA article on how to avoid making work your entire identity.
Last night, Kerry Consulting celebrated the release of the short climate film The Girl and Her Piano, which the consultancy sponsored.
昨晚,嘉里咨询的法律、合规与企业秘书处业务部很高兴地欢迎来自咨询公司网络的合作伙伴参加在俱乐部街 87 号举办的 "Called to the Bar "活动。
Eugene Lim 谈论了他最初离开嘉里咨询公司的原因,以及他选择在 2024 年重返嘉里咨询公司的原因。
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