Find the latest salary benchmarks for Singapore and Southeast Asia in the updated Kerry Consulting Legal Salary Guide.
Eugene Lim 谈论了他最初离开嘉里咨询公司的原因,以及他选择在 2024 年重返嘉里咨询公司的原因。
Lim Bo Geng 介绍了他从律师到嘉里咨询高管招聘的职业转型。
Ryan Noo 介绍了他从一家消费银行的绩效营销部门到 Kerry Consulting 高管招聘部门的职业转变。
Joshua Oh shares his inspiring journey from serving in the Republic of Singapore Navy to recruiting top talent in Human Resources.
Stephanie Kho shares her inspiring journey from working in the F&N industry to recruiting top talent for clients within the same sector.
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