Why Did This Lawyer Become a Recruiter? Beyond the Bio #4 | Kerry Consulting

    这位律师为何成为一名招聘人员?超越简历 #4

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    In the fourth episode of ‘Beyond the Bio’, Bo Geng Lim, Senior Consultant, discusses his career switch from being a practising lawyer to executive recruitment.

    Why Executive Recruitment?

    Bo Geng’s legal career before recruitment involved trademarks, patents, software licensing and the commercialisation of intellectual property.

    When asked about his reasons for making the switch to recruiting for Kerry Consulting’s Legal & Compliance Practice, Bo Geng shares his belief that the role offered a unique opportunity: “My colleague at a law firm had actually put me in touch with a legal recruiter from Kerry Consulting who was very nice to share with me what the day-to-day was like as a recruiter. A move into recruitment made a lot of sense because it really married the people element of this job that I enjoy with my legal background.”

    Navigating Diversity and Resilience

    One of the biggest surprises for Bo Geng early in his legal recruitment career was the diversity of individuals he encountered. He says, “[In recruitment] you deal with people with varying personal circumstances. It could be mental health, it could be family issues, financial considerations. Even just personal values that are different from mine.”

    Going on to explain what he believes makes for a great recruiter, Bo Geng says, “The key skill is grit and, similarly, perseverance. Recruitment is cyclical. You won’t always succeed with your first candidate or land a job on your first call, and you must be prepared to face rejection. Someone with that grit, that resilience to pick up the phone despite multiple rejections, and to continue working and making things happen—that’s what I believe is important.”

    Embrace Open-Mindedness

    For those contemplating a career in recruitment, Bo Geng shares some specific advice: “[It’s important to be] open-minded. For me and a lot of my batchmates, we grow into law. You know, you do well in school, your parents tell you you should become a lawyer, get a professional degree, right? But the fact is there are so many paths that one can take. It’s about talking to the right people who can give you an idea about where those career paths might take you.”

    About the ‘Beyond the Bio’ Series

    In ‘Beyond the Bio’, Kerry Consulting explores the journeys of our consultants who transitioned from various industries to executive recruitment. This series examines what it takes to excel as a talent acquisition professional, offering comprehensive insights into the diverse backgrounds that contribute to the success of our consultants. Watch the previous episode here